

  I had a lot planned for this assignment but I wasn't able to execute the whole thing. I think I did pretty decent and it was a semi-simple project, it was just very tedious for me at 10pm. But I wish I could finish it, might have to finish it another time after finals!

Walk Cycle

  Awful, I do not like this assignment at all. My animation flips and It took me so long to complete and it's still messed up. I know how to fix it but to bring it to my standards, I would just want to restart the whole thing. I think that it is pretty solid for a first try, but I had my expectations up pretty high for this project.


  I was pretty proud of this assignment. Having a reference really helped me with drawing and getting the action across. It is a bit shakey but I finally was able to draw real limbs in an animation. This assignment helped me use layers and references videos to increase my quality of work.

Head Turn

  I struggled a lot with this assignment. I ended up winging it with very simple shapes and a simple character, I was running out of time and couldn't execute what I wanted to do. I tried my best to get the point across but I also was rushing. I feel like if I took my time and had better skills with drawing and using the tablet, I would have been able to execute what I wanted to do. Debating on if I should switch to software on my iPad for the remainder of the semester.

Flour Sack Action

  For this assignment, I had a lot of fun with it because of the basic shapes used. I felt like I didn't need to focus a lot on my drawing skill and more the animation. I wanted to do more with the action but as a beginner, I didn't know how to execute it.

Overlapping Action Assignment

 During this assignment, I used the copy-paste method on the main character and animated the ponytail on its own to show overlapping action. It isn't the best drawing but it gets the point across.

Bouncing Ball Assignment

  This assignment took me roughly 2 hours. I was creating it and Toon Boom Harmony crashed and I lost all my progress because I did not save it. So more like 4 hours of work. The only thing I struggled with was making sure the mass of the ball stayed the same, but that was an easy fix.